Heat proofing paint
roof heat proofing chemical is a thermal insulation material .it is also famous as cool roof paint in the pakistan .it is very cheap soluion for roof heat and waterproofing .Many types of heatproofing paints are available with us .for heatproofing of walls and roof unicorn chemical have launched thermoshield . you can also make your external wall heatproof .American standard of testing material suggest two coats of thermosield to get desire results. there are many different temperature zone in a single country .in pakistan temperature is too hot .in south punjab temperature increases upto 45 degree .two coats of thermoshield in that area provides high thermal resistance .two coats of of cool roof paint can give protection against sun rays .
How does thermoshield works
thermoshield ,cool paint , is neno chemical technology. It reflect sun rays and roof of any structure get cool . you can walk bear feet on roof. Cool roof paint will resist heat to transfer from roof .it has approximately life of 10 years. You can refresh the roof coat with just a single coat of unicorn chemical thermoshield technology .when heat does not transfer from roof you feel comfortable with temperature
Method of application of heat proofing paint
the roof should be clean. It should be free from unwanted material .applicator should wash roof and make it dust free .power brushing process can be use for cleaning .remove fungus and dust from roof .apply primer coat for base application .apply two coat of cool roof paints
dark surface absorbs more heat than white color surface .that is why thermo shield is made up in white color .heat proofing paint is not only cool coat but also t makes roof waterproof .it also enhance the look of roof .it helps to reduce the temperature upto 10 degree .
advantages of cool roof paint
- reduce electricity bills
- helps to enhance AC cooling
- make roof look better
- enhance the building life
Thermoshield packing
unicorn chemical launched thermoshield at cheap price .we are also considering the best quality of product .It has 20 kg packing bucket .available in multiples cities of pakistan .it has white color .the market price of this chemical is RS 9000 .
Life of roof heat proofing paint
it has life on ten years after several years its get fade .client should refresh the roof after 10 years .it is also waterproof and anti rust material .it is suitable for heatproofing of rcc roof concrete roof .steel roof etc